In the recent weeks I have been called to remind women like you – Women who hold the Light – of your responsibility to…

Remember who you really are
Remember why you are here at this time
Share your unique gifts with others

We all have challenges that show up as experiences we orchestrated for this lifetime to heal, grow and gain wisdom from.

Now is the time to use that wisdom and step into a new level of empowerment where you take a stand for the Greatness of Who You Are, for Your Purpose and your Life.

So how do you Remember Who You Really Are?

I use the word “remember” specifically, as you have a memory in your soul and in your DNA of all that you are, all that you have been and the potential of who you are becoming.

This is very exciting. It means that all the inklings, intuitive hits and desires that might seem crazy or may not even match your current life… are reminding you of things you’ve loved in other lifetimes and mostly, of gifts you’ve always had. These unique gifts are what you bring to humanity at this time, and darling, they are needed more than ever!

A simple way to get more information about your soul blueprint is to go into meditation and ask “Who am I?”

Most people don’t even think to ask themselves this question. And for some, it actually seems scary because on a deeper level they know that the answer will not match the façade life they are currently living. That can be very painful to navigate without a mentor.

However, I trust that if you are reading this, you want to ask the question, so I encourage you to give it a try for the next few weeks. The answer might not come the same day, but surely it will come when you are ready to hear the truth.

Every single woman I have worked with over the last 15 years has come to an “aha” moment when they realize who they really are. The impact of this spiritual awareness is so profound they can no longer sit on the sidelines and watch a life that has become too small for them, so they start to make changes to create their best life ever.

I started this process when I quit my job as an architect after having a major spiritual awakening when I discovered the beauty and power of unseen realms and my newfound clairvoyant gift. I had always loved architecture, however, I fell in love with the world of Spirit because it made me happier than anything else I had ever experienced in my life. 

So I made one decision moving forward: I will only do things that make me happy. 

I left a really good job, I left relationships, I left New York City. I also left the shame and depression I was living in after my divorce.

When you begin to remember who you really are, you can’t hold back anymore, you can’t continue in the amnesia and the status quo. Your world will be ruffled and your subconscious might start to scream out because you are rocking the boat. 

But rest assured, there is paradise awaiting on the other side when you learn how to partner with your ego’s scared voice. 

Your soul’s journey is not about preserving the old way of doing.

When you remember who you really are
and why you are here at this time,
you have the opportunity to create ANEW.

Yes, you heard it!

The Reason Why You Are Here At This Time

Remembering who you really are comes hand in hand with a unique facet of your purpose: To call forth and experience a 5th dimensional reality of love, joy, prosperity and purpose.

Unconditional love in all your relationships.
Joy in the work that you do.
Prosperity that comes from living in full alignment with your Divine purpose. 

Claiming this experience requires:

  • Faith
  • Risk Taking
  • Letting go of people, sometimes jobs and even homes or moving to a new country
  • Reprogramming of disempowering beliefs and habits

The set back for many women is that the fear of the unknown outweighs their desire for freedom and their desire to experience what they truly want in their heart.

You always get to choose if you want to hold onto the outdated patterns of human imperfection that no longer serve you or…

You can choose to have higher thoughts and experiences of perfection, ease and bliss. 

What do you want to affirm for yourself, Dear One?

What do you want to take a stand for and call into your world?

I would love to hear from you.

P.S. Going out in nature and/or spiritual places helps me remember more of who I am.


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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