

The VitaLazer™ is a powerful laser technology that delivers nutritional information back into food and beverages. The nutritional information includes a full spectrum of frequencies for vitamins, trace minerals and a host of other supplements that modern day food products lack.


  • Increase vitality to your food, vitamins, supplements, minerals and water
  • Reduce reactions to toxic food additives (preservatives, artificial sweeteners and food coloring)
  • Improve flavor of food and beverages
  • Increase shelf life of produce
  • Helps promote a natural balance of pH


  • Reverse negative effects of microwaved food
  • Neutralize energetic influence of GMOs, animal hormones and medications
  • Encourage healthier digestive function
  • Balance and support immune system
  • Structure the water in your food and beverages

Only available for purchase in the United States



The VitaLazer™ is an indispensable tool for:

  • Chefs
  • Nutritionists
  • Health Coaches
  • Healers
  • Estheticians


Using the VitaLazer™ is like downloading a program update on health and nutrition for your food, beverages and more!

Use the VitaLazer™ to increase Vitality in your:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Essential Oils
  • Skincare Products



Kirlian photography and analysis provided by Thom Lobe MD.

The image on the left demonstrates a snap pea after being micro­waved 15 seconds. Notice how the life force within the pea escapes its energy field as though there had been an explosion. The image on the right is that same pea after using the VitaLazer™ which reveals a big difference in energetic characteristics. The treated pea on the right shows a significant increase in vitality and restored energetic structure compared to the image of the microwaved pea on the left.



Water is the most abundant element on the planet. It covers over 75% of the earth’s surface. Likewise, our body is also made up of over 75% water. Proper hydration is critical to maintaining a healthy balance of biological function. Therefore, it only makes sense that the quality of the water we choose to drink should be taken into serious consideration.

Municipal water supplies too often contain unacceptable levels of chemicals that may not be very healthy to consume and almost all store-bought waters are acidic. What if you could simply VitaLazer™ your water and after just 10 seconds that same water would assist your body in establishing a natural balance of pH? 

Even if you do have a machine that makes a high pH, negative ORP water, wouldn’t it be nice to know that you can still significantly enhance the quality and vitality of that water as well?


The VitaLazer™ features listed above in the bullets are achieved through a process of Bio-photonic informational transfer made possible by the use of laser technology. The laser beam is a potential carrier wave of information.  The VitaLazer™ utilizes this inherent capacity of a laser beam as a carrier to deliver information to code your food and beverages with information designed to enhance vitality.

Try using the laser with various foods and beverages to see if you notice a difference. Wine and tart fruits, such as lemons, are great to test with. Take 2 glasses of wine or 2 lemon wedges, VitaLazer™ one for 1O seconds, wait a minute or 2 and taste again. The difference may seem subtle to some people, but If you have a sensitive palate you will notice quite a difference in the smell and taste of the  before and after effect.

The VitaLazer™ is designed to deliver nutritionally correct biophotonic information to the food and water you consume. The VitaLazer™ is also designed to neutralize the unhealthy energetic influence of GMOs, animal hormones, medications and food additives such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners and dyes that you may be consuming unknowingly on a regular basis. If you eat raw and/or organic foods, you will find the VitaLazer™ to be an indispensable tool that will quickly become your best friend.

“The Vitalazer is a pure energy booster.”

“I like to use the Vitalezer for 10sec on any food I prepare and put the love intention into it. If you do a side by side comparison, of a lasered and non-lasered food, you will be amazed. You can literally taste more energy and vitality in the lasered one. It is a pure energy booster.”

Jason Wrobel, TV Personality & Raw Gourmet Living Foods

“I use the Vitalazer on food, water, my dog, insect bites and to heal wounds.”
“I love this product! I can notice a huge difference when I laser my water and food. Not only does it taste better, I can feel the difference in the vitality. So I started using it for my dog as well. I find this to be much cheaper than spending hundreds of dollars on supplements each month.

I also use it for mosquito bites, it’s amazing how the bites instantly go away leaving no trace or itch.

I’ve used the Vitalzer many times when I cut myself or have an open wound. Bleeding stops immediately and wounds heal much faster. I love this laser wand!”

Susan, Sedona

“I always use my Vitalazer; everyone can taste a dramatic difference in the food and water. I’ve used it to heal a broken ankle and a ruptured cyst – using it in the garden has produced higher yields and healthier plants.”

“It’s incredible how much I use this laser. I originally purchased it for my garden to increase production, but I keep finding new applications! I use it daily on my drinking water and food – every person I’ve exposed the laser to can tell the difference in smoothness and vitality. It restores a sense of energetic sweetness and purity to my food, keeps produce and flowers fresh longer, and my young fruit trees have more fruit than expected.

I miraculously healed my daughter’s broken ankle, a ruptured cyst, and it is always handy to eliminate swelling from insect bites. Also, I love using it at night after applying my skincare products to increase absorption. The Vitalazer is a fantastic product you’ll use every single day!”

Arlene Pedersen, Tucson

With proof of purchase… and with normal usage…

Within the first 30 days
Full replacement no charge except for shipping & handling of $10

Within 90 days 
A replacement charge of $15 plus shipping and handling of $10 

After 90 days and up to 1 year 
A replacement charge of $50 plus shipping and handling of $10

Only available for purchase in the United States





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