You can sit around for years waiting for healing, love, happiness, prosperity, freedom… to come to you.


You can remember that YOU ARE the light.
Therefore, you can generate everything you could ever want or need.

That is exactly what I am doing right now. I have been called into a profound inward journey…a journey of healing, silence, unplugging from mass consciousness, and a whole new level of surrender.

I thought I knew about surrender, as it is one of the main things I teach. I can now laugh at myself on that one!

If you missed my email, I am in Costa Rica doing a 26 day water fast to dissolve the tumors in this body.


Before I decided to go there, I can honestly say my mind kept on bugging me with what it thought I should do:

Think about the next project, the next clients, the next retreat, the next speaking engagement, the next art show. My mind-talk was all about “the next.”

Does that sound familiar?

Yet my body was telling me to rest, reset and take it slower, way slower.

The more I’ve been sharing my period of cocooning with women, I’ve been finding that other women are coming out and sharing theirs as well!

Some of them gave themselves permission to cocoon, and others judged and shamed themselves because our society doesn’t accept the natural law of rhythm of the Universe.

Everything has a season. There are tides; inflows and outflows. As women, we actually should know this very well because we go through it every month!

Yet often we don’t listen, especially when we need a longer period of introspection, energy rebuilding and recalibration.

This can be especially necessary after a large period of creation and sharing our gift and our message out into the world.

Most women do not allow themselves a cocooning period, mostly because they think they can’t.

That is what happened to me, until my body literally took me down. Now that was surrender.

So I want to go into something that is really pressing…

A lot of you have been hearing a loud spiritual call.

It might have shown up like mine, as a call to go inward to rest and heal.

Maybe it’s a call to go upward and make massive changes in your life, such as leaving a relationship or creating a massive change in your business because your mission is calling you in new and expanded ways.

This spiritual growth comes with days when you can lose your faith, hope, strength and direction.

It feels as if you are in a free fall and there is no one or nothing to catch you.

It is in that time of darkness, that the search for the light increases your spiritual maturity, bringing you closer to your essence.

It is in that very moment, right in mid-air, that you realize that Spirit is so grand that you are not falling, but flying.


It is that NOW moment that you remember that there is a great plan of divine love unfolding throughout the Universe and it includes the fulfillment of your beautiful destiny, for your good and the good of ALL!

Sometimes it seems really hard to trust in the higher plan. And yet when you do, when you allow yourself to fall in the deepest of surrender, when you let go of control, of wanting to have all the answers…

That is when you find your real power.
It is Sacred.
It is Divine.

Much love,


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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