Do you feel a deeper calling is beginning to ignite your soul but you’re not sure how to fully access it?

Imagine driving a Ferrari that is stuck in first gear… the car is stressed out and the faster you try to go the worse it gets.

You KNOW this car has powerful potential! And if you can JUST get into sixth gear, it’ll be a smooth, fast, beautiful ride.

But the frustrating part is, you’re not sure what’s blocking you.

You are just like the Ferrari!

There is untapped, feminine, superhuman potential within every woman, however only few will even get a glimpse of this power. 

If you are reading this, you called it in because you are on the cusp of a breakthrough of epic proportions. 

So how do you access your limitless potential and move towards a state of constant bliss and flow?

Well first, that feeling of being blocked from your full potential seems very real.

There is something that keeps you from expressing your power, and it’s at the DNA level… not all of your Spiritual DNA strands have been activated, this is why your Ferrari is stuck in 1st gear!

Everything you need to know to get yourself into 6th gear is in your DNA, including the Divine Roadmap to your next level of success.

This information is encoded in your DNA. It’s laying dormant within you, and when activated, it will lead to the fullest expression of who you are meant to be.

Think of a beautiful rosebud — it doesn’t question what it’s here to do and it’s not in competition with another rose. This delicate rosebud will open up at the exact right moment to fully bloom as the graceful, alluring rose it was meant to be. That’s because ALL of its DNA has been activated.

When you activate the 12 strands of spiritual DNA, there’s no more comparison, pushing, forcing, hiding, or feeling stuck.

There is only easeblissjoy, and confidence as you do less, earn more, and change the world.

This is exactly what I want to unlock for you when you join me for a Sedona Alchemy VIP Day.

Here are just a few examples of past clients’ results shortly after a VIP Day:

✨ Landing a $350,000 contract that put her company on a completely
different playing field, up-leveling from a premium brand to a luxury brand.

✨ $320,000 in sales and entering a whole new realm as a coach that charges
six figures per contract.

✨ And that’s just the beginning, as soul names and new sacred brands have been born out of VIP Days, and clients have received downloads for multi-million dollar ideas that are just now being put into place!

The best part?

Typically, these kinds of results would require a launch, with a lot of hard work and money invested.

But once we’ve unlocked your potential so that you can embody your leadership, your brand, your uniqueness, and your magnetic energy opportunities just start to show up, without all the hustle!

P.S. Before I go, here are a few words from a past client about what it’s like to work together:

“Tripled my pay and enjoying a significantly richer and more joyous life”

“Nothing short of magical is how I describe the impact that working with Solara and Ed has had on my life – and I mean ALL aspects of my life.

When we began working together I had some credit card debt, had experienced a COVID pay cut by 60%, and found myself in a toxic work environment.

Fast forward 8 months later I have no debt, am holding a CEO title, tripled my pay, hosting two podcasts, regular global speaking gigs and I am fully celebrating a respected personal brand. I have moved across the country where my family and I are enjoying a significantly richer and more joyous life.

Emotionally I am at peace and grounded, not allowing the stories of others to distract me or bring me down. At long last I am living my life unapologetically on my terms and loving every minute (yes even the tricky parts as I now know how to alchemize into positive outcomes).”


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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