What if…

Instead of thinking (or worse yet saying) your body has an “illness”, you shifted your perspective to:

“My body knows exactly what it is doing.”

Illness implies that something is wrong or not functioning with your body, which only feeds a loop of negative thinking that doesn’t allow the body to heal.

This groundbreaking book based on the teachings of German New Medicine has rocked my world.
It is the reason why I have peace, faith and courage instead of fear.
Whether you are


  • Dealing with any physical ailment (from a simple cold or joint pain – all the way to cancer)
  • You are a healer
  • A coach

This material is a must-read and perhaps the next tool in your toolbox!!!

German New Medicine speaks of the concept that:
Everything in the body has a meaning and order.

So called “disease” begins with a shocking event to your psyche, which causes a lesion in a very specific area of the brain and then manifests in a certain region in the body. (You can look up any body part in the book and it will describe with precision the shocking event.)
When the shock is identified and healed, voila, the physical body begins to heal!!!!
The shock initiates with what is called the “Conflict Active Phase.” A shock can be anything from a job loss, a conflict with your partner, your family, losing a loved one or pet, etc.
The shock brings up the conflict, which creates stress and manifests as what appears to be “disease” in the body.
What is actually happening is the body adapting to the stress to maintain balance!!!!
When the Conflict Active Phase is over, the body goes into the “Repair Phase.” At this time people experience fatigue and symptoms are magnified, so they go to the doctor.
This is the time when conventional medicine ironically will diagnose disease, when in fact the body is in repair mode/healing phase.
I did an Instagram Live going deep into this concept from a professional and personal perspective.
I interviewed Ed, my partner and Master Healer, who cracks the code to people’s health.
Physicians, acupuncturists, naturopaths and celebrities come to Ed when they’ve tried everything and are looking for resolution.
Watch this video to:
✨ Understand your body’s innate wisdom.
✨ Get amazing references for holistic healing.
✨ Learn about must-read books.
✨ Overcome fear.
✨ Be the creator of your own healing.
This is Quantum Healing!


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