Do you ever just let yourself BE?

(And I’m not even talking about going for a walk with your dog or curling up with a good book… because that’s still doing!)

In my last few emails, I’ve been telling you the story of why I’ve disappeared over the last year as I recovered from my traumatic brain injury.

I’ve been receiving so many loving and very personal emails from many of you. Sharing my journey has touched something in you. In this vulnerability we are all being taken to new heights of empowerment and it is so exciting!!

Around the time my healing journey began, a friend told me that this was a chance for me to learn the poetry and artistry of the slow and flow.

I love the flow. The slow? Not so much.

Every time I would get a little bit of energy, I immediately wanted to go do something, go on a hike or get some work done. My partner had to remind me that the energy was for my body to heal, not for me to go “do.”

Why do we “rest” just to have enough energy to “do” again?

There’s a pattern I notice within 7 and 8-figure earning women, where something is always falling apart.

They’ll have a 7-figure launch, but it comes with so much stress and so little joy and fulfillment. Then when they go on vacation to “rest,” they immediately get sick or realize they have no idea how to just be with their partner and kids anymore.

This is why we have to shift from DOING to BEING.

Now, I don’t want to undermine how scary it is to stop doing. I know how difficult it is, especially when you get stuck in comparison mode.

But here’s what was so miraculous for me about shifting into BEING:

It didn’t actually affect my business.

Because my work is about intuition, reading patterns of sabotage and channeling, I could still handle a few hours a week with my 1:1 clients. And my limited energy forced me to do what matters instead of filling my day with tasks that didn’t really need doing.

It really showed me how we tend to keep ourselves “busy” instead of flowing our energy to what matters. And that’s different for every person!

When you get out of comparison mode and cultivate the stillness and presence to hear your own answers… the ROI is receiving the Divine Solution, which is always perfect and grander than you ever would have imagined.

(I can’t wait to share with you what has been coming through me thanks to this shift into BEING… I have such an exciting project in the works for you!!)

So what does BEING look like for you?

Is it meditation? Walking in nature? Being an observer?

Is there some bit of DOING that you can let go of today to make room for more of this?


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