I am in Costa Rica, about to check-in to a wellness center for a 26-day water fast to dissolve my tumors.

Yes, 26 days…I am on a Divine Mission!!!

I want to share this with you, as the discovery of water fasting has already changed my life.

Why Water Fasting and how can it help you?

Put simply –  Water Fasting is about functioning at the highest level possible.

All human beings deal with some kind of physical issue. Some issues are small (we get used to having them and not functioning at an optimal level) and some are big wake up calls, like I am currently dealing with myself.

What if you could feel your most vibrant healthy self on a physical, emotional and spiritual level?

Fasting is a way to detox and self-heal, just like animals do.

The body has an innate wisdom when you take off the load – Digestion, assimilation, and elimination require huge amounts of energy.

When you stop eating you allow the body the space and the energy to detoxify, come into balance and heal.

I first heard about fasting in 2010, when I was doing my 1st yoga teacher’s training. Yogis have fasted for millennia for spiritual enlightenment. My initial thought was “this sounds great but it is not for me.”

I have never had a weight issue, however I have had hypoglycemia and high dependency on food for energy, so I dismissed it.

Many years later my beloved friend Arlene decided to go on a major detox. She lost 40 lbs by water fasting and completely reversed her age!!!

She was an inspiration, and I still thought: “I don’t need to lose weight, this is not for me.” (Little did I know about the amount of toxicity I was carrying)

As I was asking for guidance to show me how to dissolve the tumors in my body, water fasting was suggested to me by one of the healers I worked with. It immediately felt like the next step

Many people fast for detox and weight loss:

What is this WASTE?

Waste is composed of toxins accumulated over years. Unfortunately our current lifestyle is very toxic, so much so, that the body cannot keep up with the cleanup process.

Toxins are in your

  • Cleaning products
  • Beauty products
  • Food
  • Cookware
  • Clothing
  • Vaccines, supplements and medications
  • Environment
  • EMF
  • Emotional toxins
  • Stress and more

I’m sure you’ve noticed the trend with detox diets and cleanses. I used to lead these detoxes myself when I was a health coach. These are a good start, but not comparable to the benefits of water fasting, especially longer fasts because of the process of autophagy.


The word “Autophagy” comes from “auto,” which means self, and “phagy,” meaning eat. So the word means self-eating. It is a process that begins 24-48 hrs after fasting. Simply put, autophagy

Is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, degraded proteins and pathogens in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.

Studies show that around  3-4 weeks into fasting, after the body has consumed its fat store, the body will start to feed off fibroids, tumors, stones, etc. Anything that the body doesn’t need will be used for fuel.

Now you can see why I will be doing a 26-day water fast!!!

And there’s more –  The aspect of fasting that is less talked about…

As you fast and detoxify the body, you are also detoxing old, stored emotions.

Fasting is a cleanse on all levels that purifies the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. And mostly, it purifies your chakras, your nadis and your auric field! Now I can see why this is a must not just for my body, but for my spiritual work on this planet.

Coming back full circle, I want you to realize that fasting came into my life twice over the last 13 years and I said to myself “this is not for me”, until I got the big wake up call.

I received the message to share this information with you. I trust that you either needed it now or it will plant a seed for later.

A great place to start is intermittent fasting to biohack your body.

And if you want more, there are water fasting groups on FB where people get together for longer fasts. My friend Arlene runs a group like this. We’ll let you know when she does her next one.

I am very excited about this journey. There is no WI-FI at the wellness center, instead there is old-style ethernet hook up. I love this!!!

As my energy permits, I will do my best to go live on Instagram to share my process. Click the IG link at the bottom of this email to follow!

My team and I have prepared some emails for you while I am away to support you with the transmissions that have been coming through.

I will see you on the other side when I return in April.

Much love,


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