How often do you “push through” even when your body is saying no? 

Have you ever wished someone would just take care of you?

All my life, I’ve been the kind of woman who does everything by herself.

So when my partner packed me up and brought me and my animals to stay with him while I was recovering from traumatic brain injury symptoms, every day I kept asking, “When can I go home??”

I love my space. And I love my independence.

But with my brain fried and overstimulated, I was struggling with processing light and sound, and I couldn’t even read, let alone drive a car.

So we agreed that once I could drive to my treatments and appointments, then I could be on my own again.

I had to step into higher consciousness energy and learn how to BE in what I was going through… without being a victim of it.

victim always needs a savior… and that can cause a lot of emotional pain when no one shows up the way you want.

When I was first recovering from my traumatic brain injury, I needed a lot of help… and I was very angry with my family because they didn’t come to save me.

Although I was determined that it would be different this time, I discovered a shadow archetype that was acting up within me… the “little girl.”

Hiding behind “Ms. Independent” was a needy, neglected child who was desperately crying out, “Please take care of me!”

She’s just one of the 6 shadow archetypes that I see in my 7 and 8-figure women entrepreneur clients… I’ll share more on the other archetypes soon.

Tell me,

Can you think of a time in your life when your “little girl” was crying out for attention?

Maybe she’s not just crying, she’s been screaming right now because you’ve been ignoring her.


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