Do you repeatedly hear yourself saying “I should do this, I should do that”?

If you are ready to live and lead your life by desire and inspiration, then it’s time to ditch the “shoulding.”

Anything you think you should do is based on guilt and shame, which rank the lowest on the vibration range and… have been passed down to you by your family line (yes, this pattern goes way way back!)

When you operate from guilt and shame you continue the lineage of sacrificing and trying to be the impossible: Super Woman.

The good news is that there is a new way…

The Sacred Woman is being called to lead from a new belief system and energetic matrix, one that lifts Her up and empowers Her instead of bringing her down.

If you desire more abundance … and not just money, but an abundance of joy, purpose, love and connection to the Divine, then here is something I want you to hear:

The more you can uncover the truth of WHO YOU ARE, the more ABUNDANT and fully expressed you will be.

So how do you break through glass ceilings and shift your family lineage?

That is the very topic of my podcast interview with Susan Francis: Quantum Energy shifts and DNA upgrades.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

    • Understanding the unique blocks and sabotaging behaviors that face women.
    • Releasing impostor syndrome so you can fulfill your life’s full purpose.
    • How to smash through the glass ceiling once you’ve done the mindset and strategy work.
    • Clearing ancestral patterns to supercharge your business.
    • Understanding universal law and abundance to raise prices and expand.
    • Upgrading your 10 etheric strands of DNA to step into your full potential.
      If you’ve done the mindset and strategy work and are still running up against the same patterns. This episode is for you!

It is full of high vibrational energy and juicy content that will elevate you and show you the next step of your Divine unfoldment.

>> Listen to this podcast episode here.


Unlock your legacy work in joy, freedom and prosperity.

Shed your old identity that has kept you stuck in an outdated model and embark on a majestic spiritual journey to fully embrace your SACRED FEMININE POWER.

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