In my 11 years of coaching women to play full out and live their higher calling unapologetically, I have found that…

We all need to do ancestral healing. 


  1. As women we have a collective wound of being burnt at the stake that is alive in our cellular memory.
  1. That wound holds us back from claiming our full power because we unconsciously feel we might be condemned or murdered again (men don’t have this issue).
  1. We were born into and continue to live in a patriarchal society.

You can do all the mindset work in the world and it won’t change this core piece.

I’ve seen how this unattended issue holds women back from:

  • Living Their Higher Calling
  • Adding a zero to their income
  • Living in a co-creative and interdependent marriage/partnership
  • Speaking their voice without fear about issues that are dear to their heart 

Insights Into Your Ancestral Healing

Let me tell you a bit more about me, as it might bring insight into your own ancestral healing.

I grew up in a chauvinistic, racist and classist family. My dad is one of 7 brothers and only 1 sister. I remember speaking up one Christmas when none of my uncles acknowledged their wives for all the hard work they had done for days to prepare a meal for 30 people.

I must have been 13 or 14 at the time. It was the beginning of my purpose and I didn’t’ even know it.

The room went silent.

These events continued over the years and were exacerbated when I worked as an architect, a field that is heavily male dominated.

I did not know the intensity of the pain I held around our patriarchal society, and particularly about the chauvinism in my family until I did a powerful healing last year. I physically experienced how much subconscious anger I was carrying toward the men in my family, and also toward the women for not speaking up.

I cleared many layers of this wound and was able to begin to release judgment.

I came to the spiritual understanding that they did not know better because they had grown up with that programming and they had not done their own personal work to change it.

In that moment, I began a process of holding them in compassion and lovingly speaking up when these behaviors showed up. 

Heal By Acknowledging Why You Chose Your Family on a Soul Level

Another piece of this healing has been to acknowledge the fact that I chose my family on a soul level for the fulfillment of my purpose (so did you).

I had to feel the pain of the women in my family and endure my own pain, to be able guide powerful women to their own healing and play the BIG GAME of CREATION.


Commitment to Your Purpose Will Reveal Next Steps 

Many years ago I committed to be in service of the Divine. I ask daily to be guided and shown the way.

Last week a huge unexpected piece came up related to my branding and my website Spiritual Seductress.

I heard a clear message that changing the website name to Raquel Vasallo would create healing 7 generations back and 7 generations forward. 

And…that by using my last name the disempowerment and co-dependence of women in my family would end with me. 

Coincidentally, I was having a conversation with my sister, who is a money coach to women, and this issue has also been very present for her.

We were talking about the meaning of our last name and it gave us even more insights about who we are and what we came here to do.

Vasallo means servant to the king. Both my sister and did not want to partake in that, we claim ourselves as Queens.

And then it hit me…

I am creating not just healing, but a new vibration for that name, I am now a Servant of the Divine.

So, Beautiful One…

The need for this healing has been so profound that I was guided to let go of and step into

It is now live, and from now on you will receiving emails from, so please add that to your safe email list.

Continuing the Divine Love Consciousness and Ancestral Healing

In my daily call for Divine Love to flood the Earth and to permeate my consciousness, I bring that love to my family and hold them in gratitude for this path.

I sincerely hope that these insights will initiate the part of the Ancestral Healing Process that you can do on your own.

As we individually do that healing, we heal the collective. 

It is our duty to change the world!

P.S. I am not surprised that this came about after a 44 Solo Spiritual Journey in Sedona. Will share more about that soon. 


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